
Syncretism (term)— A combination of separate concepts into one new, unique idea. Cultural syncretism is when two or more distinct cultures blend together to create a new idea, practice, or philosophy, etc.

In her research of the Virgen of Guadalupe, Yolanda López learned of the history and the syncretism of this iconic figure. In Nuestra Madre (1981-1988), a stone deity stands central with her torso bare, and her hands held up in front. A skirt of interwoven snakes is tied at the waist by another snake and from her shoulders hangs long behind her the blue and yellow star mantel associated with the Guadalupe. A strong gold halo contrasts with the light blue background. Nuestra Madre, Our Mother, is the Aztec deity Tonatzin/Coatlicue merged with the Virgin of Guadalupe presenting one goddess that encompasses and represents the merging of cultures and races that are many Mexican people.