The RCAF was founded in Sacramento, CA in 1970 by founders Jose Montoya, Esteban Villa, and Ricardo Favela. They were sons of migrant farmworkers, turned artists, musicians, poets, and activists. RCAF’s fuel and vision was a world where Chicanos were educated, where they participated politically, and where they were active agents in their communities and lives. They began after forming the Barrio Arts Program through the Cultural Affairs Committee at CSU Sacramento. Their goal was to get their communities involved with the art making process and to offer accessible art classes at every level. RCAF’s work was prolific. In being so, they became the UFW’s graphic arts arm in the Sacramento Valley, producing posters and graphics that aimed to facilitate organizing, resistance, and protest. Though they had a large role in spreading the word about the UFW, they kept their sense of independence, and never became too involved with the internal political affairs of the union.